Monday, April 14, 2014

The Future of Technology

Hello Readers!
Recently, I had been educated about the future of technology. It is very unclear of what the future is like. There are many speculations of what the future is like, but scientist and many people are the world are making different guesses everyday.
Recently, technology has become something that we need everyday. It has revolutionized into something that we depend on, and it is like a necessity to some. It has made communication between people in different areas very easy and possible. Businessmen now communicate and make deals from across the world, from different states, countries, and the even continents.
The future of technology is unclear, but may predictions have made. People have thought that there will be time travel, holographic devices, advanced cell phones, and even flying cars. There is no definite answer of what the future will be like, but there are many predictions. Many people have made their input about future technologies in science fiction books.
In the past, many have expressed what they think the future is like. Many have predicted flying cars, and fast amounts of speeds. They have said their thoughts in books and news articles. Their predictions however, have not become true.
Many companies are changing everyday technology such as Apple and Samsung. Samsung has recently created a work of art, also known as the Chromebook. It is a terrific computer that is very good for researching and even a few games here and there. My school has recently issued these beautiful laptops, and I have ever so satisfied.  Many other schools don't use Chromebooks, and because of the technology, we do not have to make up as many snow days, but other schools have to expand their school year into the summer months and their summer vacations. My schools use of technology has saved part of my summer and also knows how to use technology is a very positive way!
Nowadays, we have simple touch phones that will prehistoric in a few decades. Desktop computers will soon be extinct, because of the lack of excuse. All technology will be considered old one day. We now view old technology such as Nokia phones, various computers, and other like technologies. Now, we have 3D Televisions. Instead of going to a movie theater, people stream movies to their tv and watch them in 3D. Netflix and Red box have put Blockbusters out of business. You can rent these for low amounts a month, including Netflix is only $7.99.
Technology has changed our everyday lives, and will continue to do so in the near future. Technology will continue to evolve, and change how we do our everyday routines. Business is evolving and trade will enhance with it. No one knows that the future is like, but we can make predictions.
Thank you for your time, Goodbye friends.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Cyber Bullying

To all those being cyber bullied,
I understand there is an issue, and there are people out here for you. Everyday, there are people just like you that face the same problems. The outcome will be determined solely on how you react to it. When facing the problem, tell an adult or a trusted parental figure. It is always important when dealing with cyber bullies to stand up for yourself. You never want to go to the extremes and give it right back to the cyber bully. Always deal with it in a mature matter. You can contact the adult, and they will deal with it. The post can be taken down, and the cyber bully will face the consequences. Know that cyber bullying is a serious offense, and the cyber bully will be not be dealt with lightly. 
Those who are being cyber bullied should remain calm. Know that the bully is just someone that has to much times on their hand. It is said that bullies on are the way that they are because they are redirecting their anger. You are not alone, but the only way to end the cyber bullying is to communicate. There are ways to know when someone is being cyber bullied, but not many people know them. The only way to get help, is to seek it. There will always be the bullies and the bullied, but who says you have to take it. I'm not saying go out and bully a person, I am saying that if you end the bullying, you will feel better and more confident about yourself. 
You may be going through a tough time in your life, but there is a way to end the pain. Seek help and find a way to get out of the difficult situation. Know that the bully is saying lies, and there is nothing wrong with you. These bullies are seeking attention, and not giving attention them is the best way to go. There are many just like you, you are not alone. This is a problem most people will face in their lifetime, and it is a growing problem. If you do not want to get cyber bullied, stay off certain networks such as askfm and kik. These can be very harmful, and can be sent anonymously. Anonymous sending is a big problem, and to not get cyber bullied, you have to avoid it too. I am not saying that you should live you're life in fear, but you need to minimize the chances. There is nothing good that can come out of cyber bullying, and being cautious about your whereabouts on social networks is important. You may not realize that you are setting yourself up for being bullied, but you may be. The two social networks listed above are common cites that cyber bullies tend to move towards, and should be avoided. 
In conclusion, know that there is always someone there for you, and that you are not alone . The only way to end it, is to face it. Always be smart about what you do on social networks, and never write anything you would not want your mother to see.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hello Readers!
Recently, I have learned about copyright, and whether a source is fair use or not. These are main problems that pose a problem when writing a paper or any other informational document.
Information that is being copyrighted is a crime. You must ensure that you give credit to the author by citing your source. One may face serious consequences when caught in the act of copyrighting information. Many websites include something that claims the information as their or giving credit to whomever they got it from.
Fair use is an important factor when using a research paper. Citing sources comes up here again. I cannot ever stress the importance of citing sources. You must do this in order to ensure fair use. If you do not do so, you will be punished and the information is not fair use. This will result in punishment. This could have easily been prevented if you took a minute to complete such an easy task.  
In conclusion, always cite your sources. Doing this simple task will prevent much trouble. Always remember to give credit to the owners or owners of the information you are using.
My friends and I created a short 35 second video that you should go check out! You can find it on Youtube. The link for the information is

Friday, March 14, 2014

Internet Sources

Hello Readers!
This week I have been educated on the topic of whether a internet cite or another source is credible or not. This is a very important topic, and being uneducated in it may lead to one of my past topics, computer virus'. I have also learned about plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying another's work without giving them credibility. Failing to cite your source or give credibility may result in severe consequences. Because of the severe consequences, one should be educated on the topic to avoid it any way possible.
Many have debated whether Wikipedia is a credible source or not. In the end, it is sadly not. Many think when Wikipedia is edited, it is changed back imminently. This is untrue. A page may not always be changed back, and it may be there for a while, giving false information off. This type of website is not credible.
A common website that is credible usually ends in .gov or .edu. These websites are the most credible because they are run by educational services or the government. Other cites such as .net and .com or not as credible. They may or may not be credible, but further researched should be done. It is always important to make sure whether a cite is credible when doing a project to ensure getting the best information, and the best grade.
A non-credible website may give one false information. When given false information, it may lower your intelligence on the topic. You may also get a lower grade on an assignment. Another way to ensure website credibility is to check the author's biography for a history in the topic, and see whether the website has spelling errors or not.
The following like will inform one whether a website is credible or if it is not:
Another important topic is plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking the words of another and using them without citing credibility. Failing to give credibility results in severe consequences such as expulsion, suspension, and/or failing the assignment.  Plagiarism is a growing topic in our everyday life, especially with increasing technology. Plagiarism is always important topic, and when you are deciding if you should cite a source or not, always take the safe way and cite it. Another way to cite is to reword the context and then give credit in parenthesis.
This website gives important information on when to cite sources:
The information listed above is important when completing an assignment. Internet Credibility is growing topic in today society, and is especially becoming larger as technology grows. Plagiarism is also important because of the technology. Everyone should be educated on these topics so that they never fall subject to breaking these rules. If you do not abide by these rules, there will be strict consequences. It is always important to know and be informed on these topics. Thank you for your time today!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Web Security

Hello Readers!
This week I have learned ID theft, viruses, website security, the importance of strong passwords, and protecting yourself from computer viruses. These are all important factors that should be followed to ensure complete  security. These are very serious threats to everyday life, especially with the technology that is developing. People spend a lot of time each day on social networks, such as Facebook, instagram, and twitter. One may put too much information about themselves, which leaves them very vulnerable to hackers.
One way to prevent hackers is to have a strong password. Using a password that is not easily guessable is suggested. Use upper and lower case letters, punctuation, and other characters such as @. Using these reduces the risk of hackers and ID thefts.
When receiving a suspicious email or message, do not open it. These messages may contain viruses, and will infect your computer. To prevent scams, you can keep your internet browser up to date, and have a strong computer security.
I found an interesting article describing a virus:
Another website describes identity theft and what to do in the situation:
It is a very common to have your ID stolen, and can be prevented by checking your credit card purchase history. By seeing something you have not purchased, you should report it immediately. It usually starts out very small in price, then eventually builds up.
Website security is very important.  A website should always have HTTPS next to its address, and have a lock to ensure security. Putting personal information in insecure website can be risky, and may also be another factor in ID theft. They can steal your personal information and you are at a great risk of it.
People may also steal personal information and make fake accounts in your name. They can pose as you and make fake accusations. This could hurt your relations with others, even if you had no part in the comment. This could even hurt yourself, by getting in trouble. If you are still a minor, go to your parents for help. The more a parent knows, the better. A parent can help you out in the situation and can even aid ending it.
Social networks can cause many problems, and if you can avoid having one, do so at all costs. They can lower grades, and ruin friendships. There are many fights that occur, and getting addicted may lower grades and make your parents unhappy. This will affect your entire lifestyle, and you may not get into your desired college. It may be the ¨in¨ thing, and what all of your friends have, but avoiding it is the best option.
By following all of these tips, and staying secure on the internet, your experience will be better on the internet. Always check for safe sites, avoid suspicious emails, and keep your privacy setting in check on social networks.
Thank you,

Friday, February 28, 2014

Being Safe While Using Devices

This week I have learned about safely communicating on digital devices. Safely communicating can go from not texting or calling while driving, to sending out appropriate pictures. Anything you send out on the internet or though text or any other devices can be viewed by anyone. Even once you delete the post, it can still be viewed. Many teenagers are the ones who violate the statement, and they do pay for it in the end.
Texting while driving is a very serious issue, especially with teenagers. Texting while driving is very distracting thing to do while driving. By doing this, you can injure yourself and also injure those around you. You pay less attention to the road, which can cause much harm. If you kill someone, you will face manslaughter charges. It is a serious offensive. You can learn about how this teenage girl received five years after killing a man on a motorcycle.
Eleven Facts about teens texting while driving are (
    1. 33 percent of deaths among 13 to 19-year-olds in 2010 occurred in motor vehicle crashes.
    2. 16-year-olds have higher crash rates than drivers of any other age.
    3. 56 percent of teens said they talk on the phone while driving.
    4. Statistics show that 16 and 17-year-old driver death rates increase with each additional passenger.
    5. Only 44 percent of teens said they would definitely speak up if someone were driving in a way that scared them.
    6. Teen drivers with involved parents are twice as likely to wear seat belts.
    7. More than 40 percent of teen auto deaths occur between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.
    8. Talking on a cell phone can double the likelihood of an accident as well as slow a young driver’s reaction time down to that of a 70-year-old.
    9. In their first year of driving 1 in 5 16-year-old drivers has an accident.
    10. 56 percent of teenagers  rely on their parents to learn how to drive.
    11. Crash risk for teens increase incrementally with each mile per hour over the speed limit
  1. There are more risks of teens using texting or videos inappropriately. Many teens think they are sending a picture to one person, but it may end up on many people's phones. Even if you trust the person you are sending a picture to, it is not a good idea. You never know what they will do. They may show it off to their friends, or save it for black mail. You never can know what a person will do, or what they are really like. Every time you send or post anything, always think if it could hurt anyone, or even yourself. Many people may pose a problem, and you may have just not realized it yet. People can be evil, and you may not know until they start acting like it. Never trust a person with something that can get you in trouble, especially if it is in writing or on video. Many people do stupid actions for their friends, and they will learn to regret it later in life. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Hello! This week I learned about computers. I have learned about RAM, which stands for Random Access Memory, choosing the right computer, and software. RAM is a type of memory on the computer than can be accessed at any time. Also I learned about choosing the right computer, and all the perks that go along with computers.
When buying a computer, you want to make a list of all the reasons you want it. When going to the store, ask a representative what computer would be best for you. You either want a desktop, or a portable computer like a tablet or a laptop. Many people prefer a laptop, because of its mobility, and light weight. A desktop is a good choice if you are looking for a computer just to keep at home. A table is very mobile, fitting in most bags, but never very useful for work purposes. Are you wondering which one to buy? This website may help:
Software is also a very important perk. Software is word processing, editing material, and other applications. It may be expensive, but is needed. You should replace software every few years to keep up to date. Also, whenever an update is available, you need to do it to keep your computer up to speed.
Technology is constantly changing, especially in computers. Computers have been improving since they were invented, in the 1930's. Computer's first took up entire rooms, but have become smaller. Recently they have become touch screen, also known as tables. Modern laptops can be extremely thing, amounting to centimeters thick. Many companies have been competing to improve laptops faster, such as a company named Apple. They have iPad's, Macbooks, and Desktops. For example, the Macbook Air is laptop with faster software, and better features then most laptops. The Macbook Air weighs in at 2.38 pounds and is 0.68 inches thick. (
As time continues forward, so does technology. I look to see computers that project an image than can be operated by touching the projection. I would definitely buy a computer like that, and I'm sure many others would too. Also, Google has created a cool device called ¨Google Glass¨ that is very futuristic. Google Glass is glasses that can video tape, tell time, watch videos, show directions, surf the internet, and translate your voice. You simply put them on, the say a command. They can be brought anywhere. To get you must be 18 years old, a US resident, and have a valid ID. They cost approximately $1,500. To get involved you must sign up. To learn more go to:
In the coming years, I think computers will be able to fold up into a smaller size. When you finish using the computer, you may push a button, and it will fold up. It may go from large sizes into a smaller, more compact box shape. I have seen this before in movies, and think it would be cool to have one. It is ultra-portable, and may still contain the perks as another computer of your choice.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Importance of Digital Literacy

Hello! This week I have learned about digital literacy. Digital literacy is your individual ability to navigate and create information digitally.  If you are very digitally literate, then you are considered to be a digital citizen. I am still in my first week of knowing what this skill is, but there are several objectives I would like to get out of the course. I would like to know how to create music on the internet, and learn how to create software. A really cool thing that I would like to learn is how to make an application and upload it on the Android Market and the App Store. I always have liked apps, owning an iPhone myself, but have never got around to buy an app I really like, and that interests me. I would not do this to make money, but to satisfy those around me with the same problem that I have.
I recently read an article about a homeless man and a business man that created an app together. The homeless man was taught to code, and create an application. There is also a video to go with the article: (  The business man gave the homeless man two options, either the business man would give the homeless man $100, or he would teach the homeless man to code. All the work done, was done on a Chromebook.
A friend of mine made a song, using the internet. The song is strictly instrumental. The song is on iTunes and is called Northport. Every part of making this song consisted of the knowledge of digital literacy. He had to pick the editing software, compose the song, edit the song, and upload it to iTunes. All the skills needed to do this could not be possible without digital literacy.
I found an interesting article about digital literacy that tells about the safety of the internet. This website informs one about the online dangers and how to prevent one's kids, or oneself from them. The like for this website is: (        This source is a simple online book, consisting of two parts and 17 sections about digital literacy.
I think digital literacy is a very important skill in today's daily life. Everything is become digital, including novels and text books. Navigating the internet and creating simple word documents is becoming more and more complicated, especially to those who are not adapt to any electronics. Everyday life consists of going on and navigating an electronic, whether you are at a job, or school. Digital literacy makes everyday tasks easier and saves you the frustration created by unfamiliarity. Now that I am at PC, I cannot enjoy snow days, because of the internet. All the missed work is handed to us digitally, whether it is through a word document, or edline. Once given the work, teachers can see whether the assignment is completed.
I think digital literacy is very important for everyone because of how fast technology is growing and how prominent it is in our daily life.