Monday, April 14, 2014

The Future of Technology

Hello Readers!
Recently, I had been educated about the future of technology. It is very unclear of what the future is like. There are many speculations of what the future is like, but scientist and many people are the world are making different guesses everyday.
Recently, technology has become something that we need everyday. It has revolutionized into something that we depend on, and it is like a necessity to some. It has made communication between people in different areas very easy and possible. Businessmen now communicate and make deals from across the world, from different states, countries, and the even continents.
The future of technology is unclear, but may predictions have made. People have thought that there will be time travel, holographic devices, advanced cell phones, and even flying cars. There is no definite answer of what the future will be like, but there are many predictions. Many people have made their input about future technologies in science fiction books.
In the past, many have expressed what they think the future is like. Many have predicted flying cars, and fast amounts of speeds. They have said their thoughts in books and news articles. Their predictions however, have not become true.
Many companies are changing everyday technology such as Apple and Samsung. Samsung has recently created a work of art, also known as the Chromebook. It is a terrific computer that is very good for researching and even a few games here and there. My school has recently issued these beautiful laptops, and I have ever so satisfied.  Many other schools don't use Chromebooks, and because of the technology, we do not have to make up as many snow days, but other schools have to expand their school year into the summer months and their summer vacations. My schools use of technology has saved part of my summer and also knows how to use technology is a very positive way!
Nowadays, we have simple touch phones that will prehistoric in a few decades. Desktop computers will soon be extinct, because of the lack of excuse. All technology will be considered old one day. We now view old technology such as Nokia phones, various computers, and other like technologies. Now, we have 3D Televisions. Instead of going to a movie theater, people stream movies to their tv and watch them in 3D. Netflix and Red box have put Blockbusters out of business. You can rent these for low amounts a month, including Netflix is only $7.99.
Technology has changed our everyday lives, and will continue to do so in the near future. Technology will continue to evolve, and change how we do our everyday routines. Business is evolving and trade will enhance with it. No one knows that the future is like, but we can make predictions.
Thank you for your time, Goodbye friends.

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