Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hello Readers!
Recently, I have learned about copyright, and whether a source is fair use or not. These are main problems that pose a problem when writing a paper or any other informational document.
Information that is being copyrighted is a crime. You must ensure that you give credit to the author by citing your source. One may face serious consequences when caught in the act of copyrighting information. Many websites include something that claims the information as their or giving credit to whomever they got it from.
Fair use is an important factor when using a research paper. Citing sources comes up here again. I cannot ever stress the importance of citing sources. You must do this in order to ensure fair use. If you do not do so, you will be punished and the information is not fair use. This will result in punishment. This could have easily been prevented if you took a minute to complete such an easy task.  
In conclusion, always cite your sources. Doing this simple task will prevent much trouble. Always remember to give credit to the owners or owners of the information you are using.
My friends and I created a short 35 second video that you should go check out! You can find it on Youtube. The link for the information is

Friday, March 14, 2014

Internet Sources

Hello Readers!
This week I have been educated on the topic of whether a internet cite or another source is credible or not. This is a very important topic, and being uneducated in it may lead to one of my past topics, computer virus'. I have also learned about plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying another's work without giving them credibility. Failing to cite your source or give credibility may result in severe consequences. Because of the severe consequences, one should be educated on the topic to avoid it any way possible.
Many have debated whether Wikipedia is a credible source or not. In the end, it is sadly not. Many think when Wikipedia is edited, it is changed back imminently. This is untrue. A page may not always be changed back, and it may be there for a while, giving false information off. This type of website is not credible.
A common website that is credible usually ends in .gov or .edu. These websites are the most credible because they are run by educational services or the government. Other cites such as .net and .com or not as credible. They may or may not be credible, but further researched should be done. It is always important to make sure whether a cite is credible when doing a project to ensure getting the best information, and the best grade.
A non-credible website may give one false information. When given false information, it may lower your intelligence on the topic. You may also get a lower grade on an assignment. Another way to ensure website credibility is to check the author's biography for a history in the topic, and see whether the website has spelling errors or not.
The following like will inform one whether a website is credible or if it is not:
Another important topic is plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking the words of another and using them without citing credibility. Failing to give credibility results in severe consequences such as expulsion, suspension, and/or failing the assignment.  Plagiarism is a growing topic in our everyday life, especially with increasing technology. Plagiarism is always important topic, and when you are deciding if you should cite a source or not, always take the safe way and cite it. Another way to cite is to reword the context and then give credit in parenthesis.
This website gives important information on when to cite sources:
The information listed above is important when completing an assignment. Internet Credibility is growing topic in today society, and is especially becoming larger as technology grows. Plagiarism is also important because of the technology. Everyone should be educated on these topics so that they never fall subject to breaking these rules. If you do not abide by these rules, there will be strict consequences. It is always important to know and be informed on these topics. Thank you for your time today!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Web Security

Hello Readers!
This week I have learned ID theft, viruses, website security, the importance of strong passwords, and protecting yourself from computer viruses. These are all important factors that should be followed to ensure complete  security. These are very serious threats to everyday life, especially with the technology that is developing. People spend a lot of time each day on social networks, such as Facebook, instagram, and twitter. One may put too much information about themselves, which leaves them very vulnerable to hackers.
One way to prevent hackers is to have a strong password. Using a password that is not easily guessable is suggested. Use upper and lower case letters, punctuation, and other characters such as @. Using these reduces the risk of hackers and ID thefts.
When receiving a suspicious email or message, do not open it. These messages may contain viruses, and will infect your computer. To prevent scams, you can keep your internet browser up to date, and have a strong computer security.
I found an interesting article describing a virus:
Another website describes identity theft and what to do in the situation:
It is a very common to have your ID stolen, and can be prevented by checking your credit card purchase history. By seeing something you have not purchased, you should report it immediately. It usually starts out very small in price, then eventually builds up.
Website security is very important.  A website should always have HTTPS next to its address, and have a lock to ensure security. Putting personal information in insecure website can be risky, and may also be another factor in ID theft. They can steal your personal information and you are at a great risk of it.
People may also steal personal information and make fake accounts in your name. They can pose as you and make fake accusations. This could hurt your relations with others, even if you had no part in the comment. This could even hurt yourself, by getting in trouble. If you are still a minor, go to your parents for help. The more a parent knows, the better. A parent can help you out in the situation and can even aid ending it.
Social networks can cause many problems, and if you can avoid having one, do so at all costs. They can lower grades, and ruin friendships. There are many fights that occur, and getting addicted may lower grades and make your parents unhappy. This will affect your entire lifestyle, and you may not get into your desired college. It may be the ¨in¨ thing, and what all of your friends have, but avoiding it is the best option.
By following all of these tips, and staying secure on the internet, your experience will be better on the internet. Always check for safe sites, avoid suspicious emails, and keep your privacy setting in check on social networks.
Thank you,